What is Equitybase?
Equitybase is through a commercial real estate ecosystem to evaluate projects, credit risk, liquidity, entirely on blockchain. Equitybase allows developers and fund managers to offer asset-backed investment opportunities to investors around the world.
In the summer of 2018, full functionality will be launched on our Equitybase platform. Where each participant will be able to invest in the commercial field together and receive a dividend from the lease, we roll over with the asset satisfaction that will be perfectly passed on the contract and pay off the crypto or fiat currency together with the traditional general market liquidity. In autumn 2018, iOS and Android will be available to our platform users, with the full functionality of our site reliably on their mobile devices.
With the support of our specialists with extensive experience and reputation in the real estate, consumer electronics and high-tech industries, we at Equitybase collect $ 300,000 round seeds. We create and publish high profile on the company website, with extensive experience in real estate and early operations over the past 15 years.
Used in investments or trades when purchasing basic capital tokens at the same cost, without freight costs on our platform. Participants worldwide will be able to use our platform to invest and diversify their portfolio, along with liquidity in the market, but generate revenue from the private market.
In simpler language, the exchange of housing is based on blockchain
What is the current investment model problem?
Liquidity to Private Market
Equity investments have a long lock-up period of 3-10 years.
Accessibility Financing
Developers can only obtain funds from within the country.
Borrowing Costs
the interest rate depends on the region and the fund of the developer will be significant.
Barrier Entry
Commercial investment requires a large number of start-ups.
Low Return Rates
the stock market for the last 10 years averaged 7% of profit per year.
High Management Costs
Private capital management costs range from 2-4% per year.
What Solutions Team Did The Project Offer?
Access the World
Developers from around the world will be able to post their projects on the Investment Equity platform and raise enough capital easily.
No Minimal Investment
investors can invest a number of options without limiting the minimum investment.
Credit Rating System
Investors can track developer performance and track record.
Liquid Investment
Our Exchange platform offers the flexibility for investors to liquidate their assets for any investment.
Zero Investment Duty
the base of the token holder will be able to use the platform without commissions when dividends are received on the Joint Stock Fund.
Dividends And Profitability Targets
The volume of investments in commercial real estate offers high profitability and dividend databases for every asset class worldwide.
Street Map: 3K / 2017
- Company Formation
- the formation of equity
- Team formation. The first step in the development of platform architecture is equitybase.
4kV / 2017
- Financing
- Development
- Initial Capital: $ 300,000
- Start platform development
1Q / 2018
- Crowdsale
- Pre-sale of individuals
- Pre-IKO
- Public IKO
- Demo version of the platform will be released
- Front-End and Back-End development, API testing
2K / 2018
- Dividend
- Release Platform Release
- beta version of Equity Invest
- Exchange of basic marker lists
- Liquidity aggregation of several exchanges Crypto currency is created
3K / 2018
- Development
- User acquisition
- Launch Mobile App
- Partnership and attract users
- Detailed credit rating and reporting, integration
4kV / 2018
- Expansion
- Establish a regional office in London, Shanghai
- Expansion of proposals for hedge funds and private equity funds
- Equity fund IKO
- Change FIATA money instantly
Marking symbol: BASE
Ordinary delivery marker: 360,000,000 BASE
Strong Limitations: $ 50.4 Million.
Marker Price: $ 0.28
Minimum purchase: No
Admission: Ethereal, Bank Transfer
ERC20 marker: yes
Individual Cover: None
Country permitted: Equitybase does not exclude people from any country to participate in our IRS. We, citizens, citizens, and Green Card holders need to confirm their rights as an accredited investor. All participants are invited to visit the country / region concerned to organize IKO. As an alternative to the provision of financial documents, US investors can be accredited if they can provide evidence that they have at least $ 1mm of crypto currency in the company.

A base of 180mm (50%) should be allocated to the sales base of the marker.
72 mm (20%) reason to go into the wallet with multi signature and held by Equitybase for long term investment and network updates.
48mM base (15%) will be used for backup
36MM (10%) of the base should be allocated to bounty and community-based, including consultants, home partners on the equity platform.
18mm (5%) of the base offer for personal pre-sale.

Morgan M. Chan
Founder / CEO
Sapphire capital partner's capital of a commercial real estate development company with $ 100 million under management. He started working and some IT and consumer electronics since 2000.
Connie Yiu
Founder / Marketing Director
Previously in the dollar shaving club as a manager of social networking, organize all aspects of social marketing. Unilever's DSC pickup in 2016 for $ 1 billion. Before the DSC, he was in newegg, as a marketing manager.

Lee Lois
Chief Counsel

Tarif A Cordovez
Contract Developer "Smart"

Percaya cheung
Community Manager

Booyon Choi
Legal advisor
The principle in the capital is Tsoi's law

Eduard Gubarik
Commercial Financial Advisor
General partner loan developer

Christian Rokitta
Finteh Advisor
Founder of insoro

Vincent Petrescu
Advisor to CrowdFanding
CEO of Trucrowd
More information contact :
- Website: https://equitybase.co
- White Paper: https://equitybase.co/equitybasewhitepaper1.pdf
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/equitybaseco/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/equitybase/
- Telegram: https://t.me/equitybase
Author: Hitamku
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1752412
Eth: 0x282e1B443eB97CA37FcB0413ec33F021fc6b4f5D
Saya telah berpikir bahwa semua perusahaan pinjaman online curang sampai saya bertemu dengan perusahaan pinjaman Suzan yang meminjamkan uang tanpa membayar lebih dulu.
BalasHapusNama saya Amisha, saya ingin menggunakan media ini untuk memperingatkan orang-orang yang mencari pinjaman internet di Asia dan di seluruh dunia untuk berhati-hati, karena mereka menipu dan meminjamkan pinjaman palsu di internet.
Saya ingin membagikan kesaksian saya tentang bagaimana seorang teman membawa saya ke pemberi pinjaman asli, setelah itu saya scammed oleh beberapa kreditor di internet. Saya hampir kehilangan harapan sampai saya bertemu kreditur terpercaya ini bernama perusahaan Suzan investment. Perusahaan suzan meminjamkan pinjaman tanpa jaminan sebesar 600 juta rupiah (Rp600.000.000) dalam waktu kurang dari 48 jam tanpa tekanan.
Saya sangat terkejut dan senang menerima pinjaman saya. Saya berjanji bahwa saya akan berbagi kabar baik sehingga orang bisa mendapatkan pinjaman mudah tanpa stres. Jadi jika Anda memerlukan pinjaman, hubungi mereka melalui email: (Suzaninvestment@gmail.com) Anda tidak akan kecewa mendapatkan pinjaman jika memenuhi persyaratan.
Anda juga bisa menghubungi saya: (Ammisha1213@gmail.com) jika Anda memerlukan bantuan atau informasi lebih lanjut
BalasHapusNama saya Lady Mia, saya ingin menggunakan media ini untuk mengingatkan semua pencari pinjaman agar sangat berhati-hati, karena ada penipuan di mana-mana, mereka akan mengirim dokumen perjanjian palsu kepada Anda dan mereka akan mengatakan tidak ada pembayaran di muka, tetapi mereka adalah penipu , karena mereka kemudian akan meminta pembayaran biaya lisensi dan biaya transfer, jadi berhati-hatilah terhadap Perusahaan Pinjaman yang curang itu.
Perusahaan pinjaman yang nyata dan sah, tidak akan menuntut pembayaran konstan dan mereka tidak akan menunda pemrosesan transfer pinjaman, jadi harap bijak.
Beberapa bulan yang lalu saya tegang secara finansial dan putus asa, saya telah ditipu oleh beberapa pemberi pinjaman online, saya hampir kehilangan harapan sampai Tuhan menggunakan teman saya yang merujuk saya ke pemberi pinjaman yang sangat andal bernama Ms. Cynthia, yang meminjamkan saya pinjaman tanpa jaminan sebesar Rp800,000,000 (800 juta) dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam tanpa konstan pembayaran atau tekanan dan tingkat bunga hanya 2%.
Saya sangat terkejut ketika saya memeriksa saldo rekening bank saya dan menemukan bahwa jumlah yang saya terapkan dikirim langsung ke rekening bank saya tanpa penundaan.
Karena saya berjanji bahwa saya akan membagikan kabar baik jika dia membantu saya dengan pinjaman, sehingga orang bisa mendapatkan pinjaman dengan mudah tanpa stres atau penipuan
Jadi, jika Anda memerlukan pinjaman apa pun, silakan hubungi dia melalui email nyata: cynthiajohnsonloancompany@gmail.com dan atas karunia Allah, ia tidak akan pernah mengecewakan Anda dalam mendapatkan pinjaman jika Anda mematuhi perintahnya.
Anda juga dapat menghubungi saya di email saya: ladymia383@gmail.com dan Sety yang memperkenalkan dan memberi tahu saya tentang Ibu Cynthia, ini emailnya: arissetymin@gmail.com
Yang akan saya lakukan adalah mencoba untuk memenuhi pembayaran cicilan pinjaman saya yang akan saya kirim langsung ke rekening perusahaan setiap bulan.
Sepatah kata cukup untuk orang bijak.